My Recording Studio!

black and gray audio mixer
This is not my studio!

Oh, yes. I have a mini recording studio.

It really wouldn’t take a whole lot (except money!) to actually make it a REAL $50 an hour recording studio. Or if I invest heavily, a $100 an hour.

By the way, those rates have been exactly the same since the 1970’s.

As my readers on Twitter have discovered, I have a number of varied interests. Martial Arts, Religion, Godzilla, and of course, Music.

I was a professional musician from 1992 until 2008. From about 1994, 100% of my income came from being a musician.

I grew up listening to a truly strange mix – heavy metal and classical. The older and more experienced I got, the more I realized the differences were vanishingly small between the two genres.

no kidding, I’ve played shows with a hair band where I blasted Bach on a guitar and everyone was cheering.

Every band I was in (except one) I tried to convince to play Mars by Holst.

Yes. That’s heavy metal. You say it’s classical. Hah!

I’m getting myself ready to record another album, so from time to time my readers on Twitter will see replies and tweets from me to various musical instrument manufacturers, such as Fender Guitars, Presonus music software, Pearl Drums, Jackson guitars, Marshall amplification and my own private echo chamber, Gibson guitars. I’ve played Gibson’s since 1976.

Gibson has NEVER answered me. Fender does. So parts of my next album will be all Fender gear.

white and black stratocaster electric guitar on black guitar amplifier
Fender Stratocaster. It could have been a Gibson if they had better social media skills…

News to follow!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author