Screenplay Writing

I always encourage writers to learn screen play writing. It may not be your idiom.

But if you learn the rules, it has a DRASTIC effect on your novel writing.

You begin to focus on strong verbs, reducing the crutch of relying on adverbs.

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You learn how to reduce your words to BARE MINIMUM.

When you learn that, your word counts to finish novels drop drastically.

You begin to learn how to get into a scene, and out of one. This has a HUGE impact on your writing.

Along with this, I’m going to recommend you look for lists of strong verbs…

…and words that are a crutch to writers. Its embarrassing but I found that I rely on all those words that ARE crutches to writers.

Find those. Eliminate those.

If you don’t have Final Draft, try writing screenplays using Scrivener.

Try writing two. Look up articles on it and clip to Evernote.

As a writer, you’ll be glad you did it.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author