Working on the Website

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I’m slowly but surely going through my old blog posts, updating some, correcting some and in some cases, deleting some.

For instance, in the beginning I had of course – no content. Writing content takes a while and you have to find your article writing voice, your blogging voice, and your informative “here’s why I barbeque” kind of blog posts.

So one of my articles I wrote in my last house, where we discovered that we had working heat and AC essentially only the last six months we lived there. So one of my first articles was on a pair of gorilla slippers my wife got me in Maine. They were actually too warm in most houses. I’d have to kick them off because my feet would sweat after a little bit.

So now I’ve got 600 articles up, and that one (read only once) went in the recycle bin. Don’t get wistful – it wasn’t funny or sad, it was more, “my feet are cold, wish I still had those, oh well” kind of articles.

I will proudly say that when you went to google and typed in Gorilla slippers, my blog used to be in the top hits.

Another article I wrote in the beginning was in response to a book where it advocated plot driving characters. I’d only recently finished my third book when I got the web site, so sadly I took the opposite view. I was horrified to read this article recently, as it advocated the opposite of what I believe. So I either need to update it, delete it or… I don’t know what third alternative there is.

And last but not least, I need to get on that SEO thing. Not so bad when I was using the other one, but Yoast lets you know, “hey, um… your website sucks.”

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author