Getting My Star Trek Novel Ready

awesome, isn’t it?

Trying to get the Star Trek novel ready for the website.

I’ve so seriously wanted for this one to see publication, but there’s no way. New crew, new ship, new captain. Even if he is related to a original series’ crew member.

Even if other Star Trek characters appear in it, regularly.

Even if the few people who’ve read a sample chapter said it was really good.

It’s not enough of a draw for a major publisher to take a risk. They’ve tried before, and lost money. If a publisher does that too many times – everyone gets laid off. Doors close.

That’s not something I can ask them to risk.

So, my Star Trek series is not something that is publishable. It remains a sad unfulfilled dream.

So you get it for free.

Coming soon…

Scotty doesn’t like waiting…

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author