Color Schemes and Things!

To prove my point about Michael Hyatt giving away 80% more than what he charges for…

  • you can actually find on his blog information about the layout he uses on his blog.
  • His usual format for blog posts.
  • Where he got his logos made.
  • How much he paid for them.
  • What the hex numbers are for the colors on his web site, and where to find information about what they communicate.
  • How you should get pictures taken for your blog, what they should be.
  • How to decide what social media you should use.

Other people charge hundreds for a one time seminar you have to take notes on to give you all that. So, if you use Evernote, it’s literally enough information you can almost use up your month’s allowance just saving all this information!
And there’s a whole lot I haven’t even looked at. Michael asks, “Who’s your intended target audience?” Um.. Well, everybody. Well, Michael will tell you that’s not a valid answer. If it’s too general so that it can help anyone, it’s too general TO help anyone. So you can either dig deep in your soul and say, “Um… I’m intending this mentally towards an audience of 20-25 year old white males”, or you can do demographic surveys to find out that… you’re intending it towards an audience of 20-25 year old white males.
Why them?
They buy 80% of movie tickets, and are far more likely to see a movie multiple times in the theater.
But I’ve also done some demographics, and white females purchase most novels. So, you have to include stuff that’s interesting to females as well.
Does this mean I’m not catering to people of other ethnicity? No, because there’s an awful lot of Hispanic and African-Americans who read as well. But you target the audience mostly who you know will be interested in your product. And let’s make no mistake – my goals are to get a job writing for a living, and moving to someplace where it snows 9 months out of the year! So, I’m targeting the audiences most likely to buy, and I’ll be sure to aim it at the rest as well, but I have to aim my sales at the people who will buy.
Okay, now HERE’S where I need Platform University! I’ve figured all this out. Working on my logo and color schemes (hint – Adobe Spark…). Got my demographics. Got my web site. Going to start social media soon.
But I have NO CLUE how to AIM what I’m writing at my target audiences!
Maybe Michael Hyatt will take mercy on me and give me a free membership!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author