When your workflow works…

If your workflow works…

Don’t mess with it.

Somehow I fell out of use of my old workflow. No idea how. Laziness, I guess. It only took an hour, really, to plan my novels.

The last three novels had little or no planning. And I’ve spotted major flaws that exist in them now.

I’m actually considering updating my 60 point sheet to require scenes dedicated to the Bad Guys.

While advanced readers are saying my latest novel is very good, I’m dissatisfied that I haven’t increased tension enough.

No tension is a dull book. Click To Tweet

I have two novels that are finished or almost finished, but unsatisfying to me. So I’ve either got to create 60 point sheets for novels that are done to spot where the errors are, or just write and write and fiddle and write.

Do it right, or don’t do it.

Failure to plan is planning to fail.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author