Website Updates

Right now, my website has been around for about a year.

I put a lot of content online, because the essential thing you must have is putting a lot of content up at first, then slowing down. Once I’m putting actual books on shelves, I will slowly transition more into the “keeping it personal” kind of thing a novelist with a publisher and product on shelves writes. Things like, “I’m speaking at the Duluth writing expo on the 32nd!” kind of things, or the “I’ve got 1500 words in on my next novel. 83,500 to go – Hurrah!” kind of thing.

In the meantime, there’s a lot of maintainance I need to do – go back and add/update tags. Use the Better Click to Tweet plugin on my entire website (I’d started the Click to Tweet, but it was incompatible with the new WordPress Gutenberg editor). Get stock photos online for every blog entry.

There’s a lot I need to do on the website. So you may see from time to time a week where I’m not writing a whole lot on the blog.

Another point is that I still need to write my novels, and edit some. And re-write some. That takes time, and so as I’m deep into the writing, there’ll be gaps unfortunately in my blogging. But remember, I’m not a professional blogger.

Move your mouse to the edge of the screen.

Did you notice there’s no “but wait! blah blah blah (enter email address…)”? That’s a sign I’m not a professional blogger. I’m not making money from blogging. I looked into that, but I decided that the amount of time needed to do that was better spent writing novels. I just couldn’t see working four hours a day blogging and tiring out my writer’s brain to earn money so I could just write for a living – only to have my brain tired out already and unable to write.

So, you should see some improvements soon, but please be patient!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author