Tip for Your Writer’s Website

I like to use a desktop blogging client to write my blog in advance. I spent some time trying all of them, such as Microsoft’s LiveWriter. There’s trade offs to all of them. I like to be able to see all of my posts, so I know what I’ve written, so Livewriter didn’t work for me.

Michael Hyatt talks about using Marsedit, but that’s for Mac only, and its expensive. There’s got to be ONE THING that doesn’t cost writers something, and this is one of those areas! Gotta put my foot down somewhere!

After running across a website where the blogger kept going on and on and on about Thingamablog, I got it and am using it. It is an abandoned piece of software, but it’s awesome. The only thing it lacks is the ability to upload right to WordPress websites!

There’s two issues with that… It takes so much longer to get your articles online.

And you run a very good risk of forgetting to upload them, like I did recently!

You might find that Thingamablog works well for you, as it does for me. But with changes to operating systems, you know there’s an inevitability factor for abandoned software. Sooner or later, it’s going to stop working because of changes to operating systems, or a Microsoft update.

Once I’m doing full time writing, I’ve promised to buy myself a Mac, because Scrivener seems to have so many bells and whistles that only work in Mac, and I feel left out!

Anyway, take a look at a Desktop Blogging client for your website. There’s Blogjet, MarsEdit, Thingamablog, Open LiveWriter, and Blogdesk – see if any of them work for you!

And if you’re a programmer that’s looking to fill a niche…. Nobody seems to be able to find the man who wrote Thingamablog, so consider taking a look at its functions and workspace, and consider creating an updated version of it!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author