The Incredible Cost of CoSchedule

I recently did some searching on the cost of using something better than Buffer to plan out my tweets. Twitter is great, but the average life span of a tweet is 6 minutes. That means if I post a tweet at 11:41 AM, it’s gone by 11:47.

In the space of time it takes you to go get a cup of coffee, my tweet has lived and died.

Let’s not kid ourselves. Coschedule is awesome. I can write a tweet, and click the “repost” or whatever their buzzword is for it… and that tweet will automatically be rescheduled a number of times for up to three months from now.

If I write two days’ worth of tweets and hit repost, my tweets will all be rescheduled, and ensure that not a single one of them dies unseen – and the benefit is my schedule over the next month is being populated from just a few days’ tweets.

Sounds good, right?

CoSchedule starts at $40 a month. Yup. That’s just under $500 a year.

CoSchedule started at being much less expensive. And as I did research on it, I found their move to $40 a month cost them a lot of clients. The story was always the same – I got on them when they were $19 a month. Then the price kept going up and up and…

There’s a nice median of pricing. I can sell two units of something for a thousand dollars, or I can sell ten thousand units at a hundred dollars. As long as I’m meeting costs and staying in the profit margin, I’m making more at the lower price.

CoSchedule is falling into that trap. And a lot of the websites I was going to were saying, “You know, it’s just me writing this. Nobody else is ever going to use my account. You should have the corporate stuff for $159 a month (and tiers of that), and then individual plans. Free with limited, then $50 a year, then…

I mean, it works for Evernote! I recently paid the money to upgrade Evernote to the lower paid plan and let me tell you, I’m as happy as can be!

Evernote has apparently more users than there is people on the face of this earth. Which is great – this means we’ve got Martians using Evernote as well!

If Evernote is selling a million memberships at $35 a year, shouldn’t CoSchedule think of the same thing?

Try a test run. Lower the price. See if your sales jump.

I’d gladly go to CoSchedule for $35 a year. But $40 a month?

It’s going to have to wait until my blog is producing income.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author