Reckless Financial Planning

person holding a cardboard poster

Financial Advice

I can remember hearing someone in a public place tell another person that their plan to cope with unemployment was to “write novels.”

If that’s your plan, I’m going to hit you with reality.

Yes, some novelists write novels that sell millions.

Most still have day jobs they hate, and will work those day jobs until retirement.

It can be said that – like musicians – most writers do not make a living writing without resorting to copy writing.

If you want a better job that pays the bills, there’s quite a few out there. Lawyers. Doctors. Nursing. Stock Brokers. Real Estate.

If on the other hand, you are crammed full of stories you must write or burst…
…then you must be a writer.

In between showing that new rental.

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author