Planning Social Media for Writers

You know you’re a writer when you type the first word of a sentence, then delete it immediately because it’s a weak modifier!

I am certainly not an expert on social media. I’ve tried it their way, and it works for SOME people. I just don’t have the hang of it the way they do it.

Besides, I just want ONE THING to be simple and relaxed, without notes on filler words, filter words, expletives, etc.

I do all of my social media writing twice a week. I open Scrivener, and I’ve already prepped up for the year folders and scenes with titles that reflect the platform, the month and the post.

CoSchedule has a ton of freebies that tell you how often to post on social media. A word on that – when you’re Robert McKee, you can get away with one or two tweets a day, because 75,000 people are going to follow you, and about 50 will retweet everything

For you and me, follow the CoSchedule recommendations.

I’d love to be able to tweet once a day. Really. It would free up a lot more writing time.

And I’d love to have a social media manager who could upload my tweets and blog posts for me, because that would free up a lot of writing time as well.

But when you’re not writing for a living, understand you’re going to have to dedicate the time, because nobody will do all this for free for you.

So – how many social media outlets should you be on? All of them?

No. I had planned on Twitter, Facebook, and one other. My wife strongly suggested LinkedIn, because she’s smart. So I’m finally going to get that done this week.

My plans with Facebook changed, because Facebook seems to be plotting exactly what’s the very worst way for writers to connect to potential readers, and then wiring up the algorithms to do exactly that.

So at this point, it’s just going to be LinkedIn and Twitter.

I recommend you look into Hootsuite, which has a free plan. Write all of your social media posts (it’s about seven a day on Twitter, and one a day on LinkedIn), and upload them all to Hootsuite.

I will say this – I despise the layout of the Hootsuite page. You’ve got this TINY LITTLE box to enter your tweet or post in, and I guarantee it’s going to minimize when you don’t want it to. Can we fix this please?

Here’s another thing – as a writer, you tend to get bored with make work quickly. The drudgery of uploading 30 tweets and posts and then 4-5 blog entries a week will have you restless and itching to go do something else.

Don’t do it.

(did you like the dramatic drop to the next line to place the follow up? Remember that!)

Write it all in one or two days, and get it uploaded!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author