My Polls!

If you go to the categories section on this page (right hand side), you’ll see a category marked “polls”. These are important for me, as it helps me to know how to connect with my readers, what they like, what social media they use, etc.
Right now I’ve got two polls on “What kind of fiction do you like?” and “Which logo do you like?” These are of course important, as it helps me to know 1). What you want to read and 2). If a logo gets more votes, I’m going to use that logo on all my social media, business cards, letterheads, folios, website, etc. I’m not adding polls just to get interaction (although that’s certainly a plus!).
Your answer helps me to know how best to serve you. Won’t you please help out?

Oh, and I’m under 200 words, and Scrivener is telling me I’m not done. But the color indicator in this case (see yesterday) is to tell me when to STOP, not when to keep going!

About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author