Difference Between…

There’s not a whole lot of difference between having a blog on writing, and having a newspaper article. You have to show you can write, write well, and you have to have enough ideas to write a month of columns in advance.

Mark Pantinkin. Funny guy.

I mean, there was Mark Patinkin’s column in the Providence Journal. He’d write about the weirdest things! And get paid to do it. I don’t think I ever missed a day of reading his column.

That’s probably where I picked up my “blogging voice” from. And yes, Mark would write about his cousin from time to time. It’s funny, but at the time, Mark was better known in Rhode Island than Mandy was. Yes, Mandy Patinkin.Also known to most of us as Inigo Montoya. Yup. I bet you all started saying it. “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.”

Mandy Patinkin is also famous among Model Railroaders. He’s a Lionel buff, but he was known to carry around John Allen’s 101 Track Plans book while filming movies and study it between takes.

So, I wonder – could I supplement my income by writing for the Providence journal a column, the way that Mark Patinkin used to?

I wonder.


About the author

Screenplay writer and fiction author